Principles for Purpose.
Inspiration for Action.
Tools for Equity & Belonging.

Give them an experience they’ll never forget.

  • Mazin Jamal With a Big Smile and Arms Extended


    Speeches and presentations that evoke a sense of purpose, clarity and meaning. Provide your organization, attendees or students with stories, principles and concepts that bring a sense of meaning to their experience. They will come away uplifted, energized and hopeful.

  • Engage

    Interactive experiences that pull the audience into a journey of discovery. From journaling, dialogue with other attendees through breakout rooms or in person, to guided movement and connection building activities, explore a selection of unforgettable moments.

  • Educate

    Provide your audience with the principles, tools, and skills they need to reach their next level of purpose and success. From organizational strategy and culture, to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, your attendees will come away feeling equipped to take action and make a difference .



It was an amazing experience working with Mazin Jamal. He did a wonderful job facilitating the conversation on Identity and intersectionality with our incoming students. I look forward to working with them again in the future.”

- Oyindamola Bamgbola, Program Coordinator, UC Berkeley

Your training offers an understand of Allyship from angles that could be digested by all types of people. Your integration of personal experiences really resonated with me. Thank you!

—Christina Esser, Managing Director, Open Architecture NY

He helped me realize the way I choose to show up is something I can be in full control of. Working with Maz was very empowering, and a transformative experience I would recommend to anyone. 

-Anthony J. Chan, Product Marketing Manager, Human API

“Mazin absolutely amazing to work with. I always felt that what I had to say was valued and taken into consideration. The work that Mazin created was so thoughtful and well-structured. If you are able to work with Mazin Jamal, you should be very thankful!

- Caroline Jones, Student Coordinator, New Student Services, UC Berkeley